Towards Mathematical Literacy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Indonesia

Wanty Widjaja


The notion of mathematical literacy advocated by PISA (OECD, 2006) offers a broader conception for assessing mathematical competences and processes with the main focus on the relevant use of mathematics in life. This notion of mathematical literacy is closely connected to the notion of mathematical modelling whereby mathematics is put to solving real world problems. Indonesia has participated as a partner country in PISA since 2000. The PISA trends in mathematics from 2003 to 2009 revealed unsatisfactory mathematical literacy among 15-year-old students from Indonesia who lagged behind the average of OECD countries. In this paper, exemplary cases will be discussed to examine and to promote mathematical literacy at teacher education level. Lesson ideas and instruments were adapted from PISA released items 2006. The potential of such tasks will be discussed based on case studies of implementing these instruments with samples of pre-service teachers in Yogyakarta.


Mathematical Modelling; Mathematical Literacy; Indonesia; Mathematical Tasks

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SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Mathematics
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