Exemplifying a Model-Eliciting Task for Primary School Pupils

Chan Chun Ming Eric, Wanty Widjaja, Ng Kit Ee Dawn


Mathematical modelling is a field that is gaining prominence recently in mathematics education research and has generated interests in schools as well. In Singapore, modelling and applications are included as process components in
revised 2007 curriculum document (MOE, 2007) as keeping to reform efforts. In
Indonesia, efforts to place stronger emphasis on connecting school mathematics
with real-world contexts and applications have started in Indonesian primary schools with the Pendidikan Realistik Matematik Indonesia (PMRI) movement a decade ago (Sembiring, Hoogland, Dolk, 2010). Amidst others, modelling activities are gradually introduced in Singapore and Indonesian schools to demonstrate the relevance of school mathematics with real-world problems. However, in order for it to find a place in the mathematics classroom, there is a
need for teacher-practitioners to know what mathematical modelling and what a
modelling task is. This paper sets out to exemplify a model-eliciting task that has been designed and used in both a Singapore and Indonesian mathematics
classroom. Mathematical modelling, the features of a model-eliciting task, and its potential and advice on implementation are discussed.


Mathematical Modelling; Singapore; Indonesia; Model-Eliciting Task; Primary Mathematics; Task Scaffolding

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46517/seamej.v1i1.11


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